Te Kauwhata Primary School - We C.A.R.E. ~ Communicate Aspire Respect Engage

Senior Team

Year 4/5/6

Lilli Moth
Thumbnail:  Lilli Moth

Room 15



General Information

Ko Pirongia te maunga,
Ko Waikato te awa,
Ko Tainui te waka,
Ko te Kohanga Marama te Marae,
Nō Kirikiriroa ahau,
Ko Nick tōku pāpā,
Ko Trish tōku māmā,
Ko Evie tōku tuakana,
Ko Moth tōku Whanau,
Ko Lilli tōku ingoa.

Kia ora,
My name is Lilli Moth and I am a first year Beginning Teacher at Te Kauwhata Primary School where I am working with year 4 & 5's. I am passionate about learning alongside my tamariki as well as ensuring that they have a safe learning environment to extend their learning.
Outside of school I enjoy sports and playing the ukulele, and spending time with whānau and friends. I am excited to start my journey at Te Kauwhata Primary and getting to know the community, whānau and tamariki.

Lesieli Seaton
Thumbnail: Lesieli Seaton

Room 17



General Information

Tēnā koutou katoa

Noo Tonga ooku tuupuna

Ko Tamaki Makaurau te whenua tupu

E noho ana au ki Te Kauwhata

He Kaiako au i te kura o Te Kauwhata

Ko Lesieli Seaton toku ingoa

Nō reirā, tēnā koutou katoa

Malo e lelei fanau, I am Whaea Lesieli. I've taught at Intermediate schools for five years and this is my second year at TKP. My family and I warmly call Te Kauwhata, home and my daughters attend the college here. I look forward to getting to know your child and supporting them in their education. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Louise Price

Room 16

