Te Kauwhata Primary School - We C.A.R.E. ~ Communicate Aspire Respect Engage

Madde Hansen

Thumbnail: Madde Hansen

Learning Assistant



General Information

Teenaa koutou.
No Huiitene (Sweden) ooku tuupuna.
He tauiwi ahou noo Huiitene.
Ko Tomtabacken te maunga.
Ko Svartån te awa.
Noo Flisby ahau.
Noo Syreda tooko uukaipo.
Kei te noho au ki Te Kauwhata.
Ko Madelene araa, ko Madde taku ingoa.
Ko Eriksson raaua ko Sandell ngaa whaanau.
Ko Peder raaua ko Agneta ooku maatua.
Ko Ashley Hansen taaku taane.
Toko rua aaku tamariki.
Ko Sheldon raaua ko Bradley aaku tama.
Noo reiraa, teenaa koutou, teenaa kautou, teenaa taatou katoa.

Hi, my name is Madde and I'm from Sweden. I grew up there and moved to New Zealand in my early 20s when I met my husband Ashley who is Kiwi. We have two beautiful children together, Sheldon and Bradley. We live in Te Kauwhata and love our community.