Te Kauwhata Primary School - We C.A.R.E. ~ Communicate Aspire Respect Engage

Welcome to Te Kauwhata 

Primary School

Ko Taupiri te maunga

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko Waikare te roto

Ko Tainui te waka

Ko Waikato te iwi

Ko ngaa karangatanga hapuu o Ngaa marae of Ngaa Muka

No Te Kura o tuatahi o Te Kauwhata

Teena koutou teena koutou kaatoa

 Term Dates 

Term 3 2024 - Monday 22 July - Friday 27th September

(Koroneihana Teachers only day Wednesday 21st August)

Closed for instruction on Thursday 5th September for 

Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII Funeral

Term 4 - Monday 14th October - Wednesday 18th December

(Teachers only day - 25th October)

(Public Holidays - Labour day 28th October)

Te Kauwhata Primary has an enrolment scheme.

Details are available on this website under Enrolment Zone on the left.

View our lovely school grounds from the air on the video below.

We C.A.R.E. 

Nau mai, Haere mai ki te Kura o Te Kauwhata 

You can follow school events on our Facebook Page - click here

Click here to visit our school event's calendar

Read our latest Education Review Office report here