Agricultural Day is a loved tradition at Te Kauwhata Primary with town and country kids getting involved in the rearing of either a Calf, Lamb or Goat. Entries forms can be collected from the office.
This year Ag day will be held on Wednesday 16 October here at school, following this Group day being held on Thursday 24th October at the Te Kauwhata Domain.
Here is the category information and the animal dates required for entry.
Calf Early Dates - 1 June to 26 July
Calf late Dates - 27 July to 20 September
There are two options of calf types - dairy or beefJudging for calves is split into three categories:
Leading - using a halter and lead, you will walk around a series of pegs with your calf.
Rearing - This event focuses on the cleanliness of the calf, rapport, understanding, and knowledge you have.The judges will ask you a series of questions about how you have cared for your calf.
Dairy and Beef Type - Calves will be separated into dairy and beef type for this judging. The focus is on the conformation or structure of your calf. Judges will look for positive physical attributes that make a well-balanced calf.
Lamb Early Dates - 1 July to 19 August
Lamb Late Dates - 20 August to 20 September.
A lamb is a wonderful pet to rear at any age and is often easier for smaller children to handle. Lambs can be reared on small sections, as long as shelter is available to them. Often farmers have orphan lambs and many are willing to give them away as pets. If necessary, some will make an arrangement to take the lamb back after Ag Day. Judging for lambs is split into three categories.
Most Obvious Pet - This event shows the quality of your relationship with your pet lamb. Your lamb will be taken off the lead and you will call it to you and let it follow you around the enclosure.
Leading - with your lamb attached to a collar and lead, you will walk it around an enclosure.
Rearing - The judges will sit you down with your lamb and ask you questions about the time you spent raising your lamb. They will check if your lamb is clean and healthy.
Goat Early Dates - 1 July to 19 August
Goat Late Dates - 20 August to 20 September.
GoatsKid goats are some of the most fun animals to rear. Goats can also be reared on small sections. They are very characterful animals who love to climb and nibble.Judging for goats is split into three categories.
Most Obvious Pet - This event shows the quality of your relationship with your pet goat. Your goat will be taken off the lead and you will call it to you and let it follow you around the enclosure.
Leading - with your goat attached to a collar and lead you will walk it around an enclosure including a small obstacle course.
Rearing - The judges will sit you down with your goat and ask you questions about the time you spent raising it. They will check if your goat is clean and healthy